Mary Alice Tuttle has lived her life as a true Rotarian. Our beloved Danville Sycamore Valley Rotary member, Mary Tuttle, left us Sunday evening August 9, 2015. The mission of Rotary International, a worldwide association of Rotary clubs, is to...
Every year the Rotary International President selects a theme for the year in Rotary. For 2015-16 President K.R. “Ravi” Ravidran introduced his theme and invited all Rotatians to Be a Gift to the World. “All of you have been given so many gifts. And...
Here is our new year theme – Light Up Rotary! RI President Gary C.K. Huang chose Light Up Rotary as his theme for 2014-15. Huang is urging club members to Light Up Rotary by hosting a Rotary Day in their community, continuing our fight against polio, and...
Our members are business owners, professionals, and community leaders who volunteer their time to share their knowledge and help those in need.
Fun Social Experiences
We are a community service organization with the goal of bringing together people from diverse backgrounds to create an atmosphere of understanding and goodwill.
Community Involvement
Our organization consists of members who are interested in making a difference in the community by supporting and doing projects that help local schools, community organizations, and international needs.
International Opportunities
Our organization provides global travel opportunities to people who want to experience different cultures while helping communities that are in need.
Surrounded by Like Minded People
Our organization consists of like minded people who are passionate in providing service to others and improving the local and international communities.
Connect with Local Leaders
We are an organization of local business and community leaders who aim to inspire other people improve their own communities.