Harmony Home

DSV Rotary is a proud supporter and regular sponsor of Harmony Home during the holidays by providing residences with happiness and gifts for the residents.

About Harmony Home
Harmony Home, Associated was founded in 1982, as a small group home supporting five people, with a philosophy of providing an environment where people could live comfortably, be safe and enjoy a life similar to their peers without disabilities. Harmony Home was established as a non-profit organization in 1984.
Independent Living Services
Harmony Home offers Independent Living Services (ILS) to people who choose to live in their own home within the community. Individuals interested in this service may be living with family, in a board and care home, or other supervised setting and would like to move into their own home.

Supported Living Services
Harmony Home offers Supported Living Services (SLS) to people who choose to live in their own home within the community, yet require increased support systems to reach their potential for independence. Individuals interested in this service may be living with family, in a board and care home, or other supervised setting and would like to move into their own home.