Current President Melanie and Past President Debbie are taking a trip to Monterrey Mexico to visit some of the Matching Grant projects the Danville/Sycamore Valley Rotary Club helped fund as a result of their trip in 2008.
They will be visiting Ludoteca de Cumbres, an after school program in a distressed neighborhood in Santa Catarina. Danville/Sycamore was the lead club along with the Santa Catarina Rotary Club in Mexico. Danville and Lafayette Rotary Clubs also contributed, as well as a match from Rotary International, in providing $30,000 in computers, desks, and play areas.
Debbie and Melanie plan to bring items that the children can use, such as school supplies (notebooks, pens, pencils, colored books, scizzors), as well as tolietry items (Toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair brushes, soap, and lotion) and small stuffed animals.
Anyone who is willing to donate these items please contact Melanie by February 20th, 2011. If you’d prefer to make a cash donation you can also do so here. Any donations received between now and 2/20/2011 will go to this effort, otherwise 100% will go to other worthy causes.